5 ways to start WhatsApp marketing in 2020


    WhatsApp, which was once used just for messaging purposes, is now used by the many marketers in 2020 for their marketing campaigns.

    WhatsApp has now become one of the most important tools for the marketers to target audiences on a personal level. It is used for advertising and educating the audiences about the brands. 2019 has been marked the year when WhatsApp marketing came into existence, and since then it has never looked back.

    In this article, we will be going to talk about case studies, advertisements and other aspects of WhatsApp marketing. If you are looking for content that can boost your knowledge related to WhatsApp marketing, then you are certainly in the right place.

    Successful ways to start WhatsApp marketing in 2020

    You all know about Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These social media platforms are the four pillars of social media marketing. But these big 4 have now joined by a new member: WhatsApp. It has been only five years, but it already has more than 700 million active users and is now considered to be the most widely used social network.

    In the initial phase of the WhatsApp marketing for your strategy for 2020, it was tough for the marketers to crack open the full potential of the WhatsApp marketing, as there are no ads, no media and no user who likes spammy messages. That means that there is only one kind of audience that can be targeted on WhatsApp: content consumer-based audiences.

    The most critical part of WhatsApp marketing is that you cannot force your messages to your audiences. The only way is to get an invitation from them.

    To overcome all the problems faced by the marketer, here are the top WhatsApp marketing strategies that you can use.

    • Creating an engaging brand persona

    WhatsApp is a personal platform where people talk with their close ones. If you as a brand wants to seek an invitation to their personal WhatsApp number. You need to be very friendly with them. In addition, you must approach them with your personal number as well. So the very first step towards WhatsApp marketing is to create a brand persona that is friendly with your customers and audiences.

    The persona can be a fictional character that is designed only for the customers. There is no bad air of having a fictional character while engaging with your audiences. If you are able to give them good quality customer care services. That’s what matters the most.

    • Offer great value

    Remember that WhatsApp is going to be ad-free, so in order to have your audiences’ number, you must offer something valuable in return. It can be anything – offer, voucher, promo code, and even free services.

    Let me give you one example, Unilever’s Mayonnaise brand Hellmann’s wanted to use WhatsApp to promote its brand and increase sales. So they offered a WhatsApp line service where their audiences can message their request of recipes and can even ask the chef to cook the dishes online.

    This way, by offering valuable information, they were able to collect thousands of audiences’ WhatsApp number.

    • Always offer relevant content

    With more than 70% engagement rate, WhatsApp far surpasses Facebook in terms of marketing. High quality content makes WhatsApp users engage with the brands.

    So what kind of content you must cater to audiences in order for them to be willing to give you their app number? Let me give you an example to make you understand just what kind of content you should offer to the audiences.

    Radio intereconomia started its own WhatsApp group where it gives people the top business news. People simply need to register to the channel with just $1 for a 2-way conversation.

    This is the kind of content you must offer to the audiences to get their WhatsApp number.

    • Be lightning fast with your customer care services

    The opening rate of your messages is over 70%. That means that there is always a high chance that audiences will be going to see your content. If your content gets the exposure that means you have a chance of engaging with the audiences. When that happens you cannot give them late replies. For this, you must have a customer services team that is proactive with the engagement.

    • Do a ground-level consumer research

    Once you have the WhatsApp number of the audience, you can use that to do consumer researches. You can ask them preferences, what they like and what they don’t. And the best part of using WhatsApp is that you can expect quick responses.

    For instance, the examples I have given above regarding Unilever brand Hellmann’s. The brand can use all WhatsApp numbers to ask users their preferences of products and showcase them as per their liking. This can definitely help them to boost their sales and ROI.

    Final note

    We all know that WhatsApp is a personal and intimate messaging app where people exchange their personal messages. Hence, you have to be sure of one thing, you must not sound like spammy messages. If that happens you will be blocked on their WhatsApp. Instead, you must use the framework which I have mentioned in this article.

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