
bitmain - search results

Monero Blockchain: how does the CryptoNote protocol work?

The goal of the development team was to create a decentralised, anonymous, secure and egalitarian tool

Litecoin, hashrate dropped by 20% after halving

From the initial 460 TH/s recorded just before the halving, it has rapidly dropped to the current 380 TH/s

Bitcoin mining: the price of ASICs doubled in China

According to analysts, the bitcoin hashrate could easily exceed 100 Exahash/s by the end of 2019

Blockchain Life 2019: a new event in Moscow

The conference will take place in Russia on October 16th—17th.

Crypto Valley: blockchain companies worth $40 billion

There are now more than 800 companies operating in the cryptocurrency sector in Switzerland, including six unicorns based in Zug.

Mining bitcoin: 100k ASICs bring hashrate to a new record

The last correction led to an increase of 10.78% in the extraction difficulty, which now stands at 9.99 trillion

Samsung will increase the production of mining chips

The latest report from the South Korean company indicates that demand is increasing

ASIC producer Canaan plans to launch an IPO

Canaan has become famous for its bitcoin ASICs named Avalon Miner, which offer good performance at competitive prices

A week to Litecoin (LTC) halving: will the price collapse?

If the market remains stable, there could be a significant drop in the hashrate

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