
zcash - search results

Ripple: anonymous transactions with XRP?

A proposal from a developer belonging to the project team

Cryptocurrencies: March 2020 closes in negative

The performance had been decidedly negative at the beginning of the month with double-digit declines

Ethereum: high-tech app for voting systems is here

Building a scalable, anonymous, censorship-resistant and universally verifiable voting system requires a great deal of engineering

Bitcoin: pullback of prices continues

Today the positive sign prevails for more than 90% of cryptocurrencies that are above parity, with increases that in some cases exceed 10%.

ETH 2 Roadmap: “it could take 10 years”

Vitalik Buterin has shared with users his future vision and what are the developments that will lead to the new version of Ethereum

DeFi during the Coronavirus era: crises and opportunities

Last week's Black Thursday was a shock for the entire financial sector

Monero increases privacy with Dandelion++

The Zcash network has a low usage of shielded transactions, compared to XMR which has all transactions shielded by default

MimbleWimble on Litecoin, news and undefined timeline

The path for the integration of the MW protocol continues, although there is no completion date.

Polkadot: the protocol for a multi-blockchain world

Each project related to the blockchain world is part of a narrative developed in the last decade, which has helped guide the Web3

Wikileaks: bitcoin and BCH donations grow

The address reveals a large amount of BTC received

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