HomeCryptoWhat are the best ISO 20022 crypto?

What are the best ISO 20022 crypto?

A few years ago, the financial messaging standard ISO 20022 by SWIFT was announced, to which some crypto have also conformed.

The crypto compliant with the ISO 20022 standard, however, are few, and lately they are also showing interesting performance on the bull and bear markets. 

The crypto ISO 20022 

The two main cryptocurrencies in the world, Bitcoin and Ethereum, are not compatible with the ISO 20022 standard.

On the other hand, they were born one in 2009, and the other in 2015, so many years before that standard was released. 

The main crypto compliant with the ISO 20022 standard turns out to be XRP by Ripple, despite being created in 2012.

The fact is that, unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, Ripple is a private company, and although the XRP blockchain (XRP Ledger) is decentralized, the development of XRP is effectively guided by Ripple.

This means that, while no one could individually decide that Bitcoin and Ethereum should be made compatible with the SWIFT standard, Ripple, on the other hand, could decide that XRP would become so, and thus introduced those changes that made XRP compatible with the ISO 20022 standard.

XLM di Stellar is also compatible, also because it was born as a decentralized spin-off of Ripple, and in some way it has followed its evolutions over time. 

Other cryptos compatible with ISO 20022 are ADA from Cardano, HBAR from Hedera, ALGO from Algorand, and QNT from Quant. 

To these, IOTA and XDC must be added. 

In total, therefore, eight criptovalute are known to be compatible with the SWIFT standard. 

The ISO 20022 standard

ISO 20022 is a standard created by SWIFT to harmonize the information transferred between financial institutions.

It is therefore a standard that harmonizes communications between different financial entities, making it possible for automatic communication between their systems. 

It should be remembered that SWIFT is currently the most important interbank payment system in the world, operational for more than 50 years.

L’ISO in turn is the International Organization for Standardization, that is, a global non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. 

The migration to the new ISO 20022 standard began in 2022 and must be completed by 2025. ISO 20022 will replace the current SWIFT messaging system, therefore all financial institutions will have to adapt. 

XRP: the crypto of Ripple in the ISO 20022

XRP is definitely the leading cryptocurrency in the world compatible with ISO 20022.

If its price until October 2024 was below $0.6, with Trump’s victory it first rose to $1.1, and then to $2.7. 

In the last few days, it has surpassed $3 for the first time in the last seven years and has moved above $3.2. 

It is possible that the boom of XRP in 2025 is also due to the fact that it is the main cryptocurrency in the world compatible with ISO 20022.

Note that the all-time high is still the $3.8 of January 2018, but that was the result of a sensational speculative bubble that in the span of a month made it achieve an incredible +1,400%. During the subsequent bear-market, it fell below $0.2. 




The second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization to be compatible with ISO 20022 is ADA of Cardano. 

ADA is also performing well in the bull and bear crypto markets. 

In October 2024, its price was below $0.4, but after Trump’s victory, it rose to over $1.2. 

However, unlike XRP, the climb has not continued in 2025, at least for now.

It must also be said that the all-time high of $3.1 in 2021 still seems decidedly distant, even if the ISO 20022 effect on ADA during 2025 may not have yet manifested. 

Its current price level is only slightly above the peak of 2018, so its situation is different compared to that of XRP. 


The market performance of XLM in some ways resembles that of XRP. 

Unlike XRP, which at the end of 2020 began to have serious problems with the SEC resolved only last year, XLM recorded its all-time high in 2021, over the 0.9$ mark.

In October 2024, its price was below $0.1, and with Trump’s victory, it soared above $0.5. Currently, it is just below that threshold, meaning still a bit distant from the highs of 2021, but not far from the highs of 2018. 

HBAR, on the other hand, has only existed since 2019 and has had a different trend. 

In fact, the all-time high reached in 2021 is only slightly higher than the recent peak, so much so that its climb could also be directed there. 

In October 2024 it was worth less than $0.05, and with Trump’s victory, it marked a real boom that brought it above $0.36. After dropping back to $0.25, during 2025 it seems to have started a new rise, in some ways similar to that of XRP, even if only slightly above the peak of last December. 


ALGO and IOTA are still in strong suffering, if analyzed over the course of their entire existence. 

ALGO is still at -85% from its all-time highs, and IOTA even exceeds -90%.

However, with the arrival of 2025, they are showing timid signs of a possible recovery. 

ALGO has gone from $0.1 to $0.5, although it remains very far from the $3.2 of 2019, while IOTA has gone from $0.1 to $0.4, remaining very far from the $5.7 of December 2017. 

In both cases, they are still far from even the peaks of 2021, which nevertheless suggests that in theory they could have significant potential. The problem, however, is that in the long term they seem to be crypto projects decidedly in decline. 


QNT is currently at -72% from the highs, while XDC is only at -30%. 

They are two cryptos whose trend in the market is dissimilar, even if in both cases linked to the general trend of the crypto markets. 

QNT has suffered a lot until October 2024, as it was still near the lows of the bear-market of 2022. 

This last reasoning also applies to XDC, but with Trump’s victory, it marked a real boom. Between November and December, it went from $0.03 to $0.09, and then continued to grow in 2025 to more than $0.13.

QNT instead between November and December went from $56 to $165, but then it fell below $120. 

Marco Cavicchioli
Marco Cavicchioli
Born in 1975, Marco has been the first to talk about Bitcoin on YouTube in Italy. He founded ilBitcoin.news and the Facebook group" Bitcoin Italia (open and without scam) ".

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