Weekly horoscope about Aquarius


Pump&dump in mood at the start of the week: some entanglements with your partner or work colleagues, making you a bit erratic. Mercury enters Taurus from Wednesday 15/5 and in the mental metaverse, your avatar is flooded with sentimental FUD and FOMO, which confuse your thoughts. You are in your verification phase dedicated to your home & family or your most deep-rooted feelings, and you are trying to deal with this as best you can. In bull runs of mood in the middle part: suddenly there comes a wave of new air and change, to be breathed in at the top of your lungs. In relationships, you try to find a common ‘sense of belonging’ with people, and if there is one, you try to protect it! Weekend with the mood in pump of enthusiasm: there is a desire for movement, travel and adventure, to expand and discover new horizons.