Weekly horoscope about Aquarius


Volatile mood early in the week: all the fault of work stress! Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, 17/6, and both in the mental metaverse and in relationships there is a desire to create well-being. You are more precise than usual, brainstorming your thoughts finding solutions, over various activities with your partner with that attention to detail, which makes all the difference. More in bullish mood in the middle part: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in your stage of the “personal well-being” roadmap. It’s also time to take care of your projects and your person, perhaps even enjoying your free time more. HODLer’s Weekend in Market Observation: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, 22/6 highlights how to “get beyond” things that are not up to you, just now that you are in focus on being well.