Weekly horoscope about Aries


The week starts in a bullish mood: you sense an air of transformation and indeed something is changing. In a bull run of enthusiasm in the middle part: even mentally the FUD and FOMO fade away and you fill your spirit with positive energy! And in fact, with the Sun in Aquarius from Friday, 20/1 you enter your month dedicated to “progress and innovation” and it’s time to look at your present by projecting into the future, stop with the past. Not only that, in this period your leadership skills have the upper hand and with your team, or collaborators and clients, there will be more harmony! Even in love, you are more inclined to be a ‘great accomplice’. Over the weekend, the New Moon in Aquarius also arrives to regenerate you inwardly and spur you on to become your own best friend, so you’ll be filled with advice all to share!