Weekly horoscope about Aries


Monday as a HODLer in market observation: you’re looking around trying to figure out if everything is working the way you’d like it to! To-the-moon mood in the middle part: there’s one person in particular who makes you “dream” of the world you’d like, who knows by showing it in some innovative, forward-looking metaverse. More in pump of practicality in the final part: you return to “real” life, facing all the obstacles there are to see an ambition of yours realized. Weekend in bullish mood: the new Sun in Aquarius on Saturday 20/1 inaugurates the stage of your roadmap dedicated to “creating a vision,” while the new Pluto in Aquarius on Sunday 21/1 inaugurates your next 20-year challenge: consider the idea that the contribution and support of friends can really make a difference to your career, and to your life!