Weekly horoscope about Aries


Bull run in mood early in the week: there is an air of change even if it is not exactly positive for you. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, June 17/6, and both in the mental metaverse and in relationships new FUD and FOMO could arise related to some of your deeper feelings. The advice is to give more room for rationality and your determination, as well as what concrete things you can do with your energy. More in bullish of enthusiasm in the middle part: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in your roadmap stage related to home&family matters. If there’s a move, a renovation, or if there are new roles in the family-now is the time to address them. Volatile mood over the weekend: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, 22/6 highlights your life status and personal ambitions, just now that you are in focus on your nest