Weekly horoscope about Cancer


Start of the week in a bullish mood: who knows, you may be feeling more inspired to project yourself into your future! Unfortunately, though, comes the new Mercury in Capricorn from Tuesday 6/12 which puts your thoughts in hard-fork mode, as if you’re entering a tunnel of doubt, FUD and FOMO, feeling more insecure or creating non-existent mental movies. HODLer in market observation in the central part: the Full Moon in Gemini on Thursday 8/12 puts the closing/opening of a cycle into lightning as you experience this personal feel-good period of yours. Weekend the mood is to-the-moon: to be maintained even in view of the new Venus in Capricorn from Saturday 10/12 which actually puts your relationships in deep “check” both love and work, and so you need to reflect, make comparisons, to understand how to create the right harmony.