Weekly horoscope about Cancer


The mood touches the ATH – All-Time High early in the week: you sense that you are about to become the star. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, 17/6, and in both the mental metaverse and relationships there is an awakening that puts your avatar finally at the center of every adventure. You’ll be able to get back to relying on your self-esteem that you’ve been putting on the back burner for too long, and you begin to attract situations and people in line with your vibes. Mood in pumps in the middle part as well: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in “your new roadmap 3.0.” It’s time to think about wishes to make before you blow out the candles, and to write them down perhaps even in a hypothetical Whitepaper of your personal evolution. Mood in pump&dump over the weekend: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday 22/6 stresses your connections and makes you a little insecure, just now that you are in focus on your personal affirmation.