Weekly horoscope about Gemini


In organization pump early in the week: you are more careful than usual to execute your daily chores. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, June 17/6, and in both the mental metaverse and relationships you are more determined to see something through. Whether it’s ideas or people, the important thing now is that they give you the value you deserve. Mood in pump&dump in the middle part: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in your “capital gain” roadmap stage. Suddenly, you become quick to assess the feasibility of your projects, looking for the value you can get from the assets you decide to invest in. Over the weekend, your mood is on a bull run: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, 22/6, highlights the inner changes you’ve experienced, just now that you’re in focus on the projects you want to accomplish.