Bullish mood at the start of the week: urge to move, travel or philosophise about life in general. Mars enters Aquarius from Tuesday 13/2 and your initiatives go into hard-fork: a kind of pause for reflection, in which you analyse the pros and cons of your personal projects. Mood volatility in the middle part: you perceive some obstacles, but they are entirely transient. Not only that, Venus also enters Aquarius from Friday 16/2 and even in relationships, it is time to retreat to make your own evaluations of the harmonies you have with your relationships. This Stellium in Aquarius highlights your theme of the moment, inviting you to tune in to any vibrations that need to be eliminated or nurtured in order to regain a balance that best represents you. Weekend with the mood in bull run to spend with anti-conventional friends, who support and inspire in your perplexities.