Weekly horoscope about Leo


Bullish mood at the beginning of the week: desire to trade interesting ideas. More mood volatility in the middle part: the Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 23/4 puts your ‘sense of belonging’ in lightning on an inner level, just when you are focusing on your ambitions. Who knows, the advice is to consider how to improve your status in life, starting from your roots. Not only that, Mercury in Aries returns with direct motion from Thursday 25/4 and in the mental metaverse, rather than feeling lost in your travels, you now seem to be able to identify a new direction of your own, all to be explored. Mood in ATH – All Time High in the final part: you feel personal satisfaction in what you do. In relationships, you are discovering new ways of living as a couple!  Weekend with Sunday pump in the healthcare market: you feel like taking care of yourself!