Weekly horoscope about Leo


The week starts in a bullish mood: there is an urge to organise various matters with precision. Jupiter in Taurus still challenges you until May to review your personal ambitions, with obstacles to the natural expansion of your projects… but hang in there! Mood pump&dump in the middle part: there is a general swinging sentiment that makes you lose your sense of balance with others, to the point of questioning all your connections with people and projects. In relationships, you are weighing up the pros and cons of all your harmonies, distancing yourself from those who don’t appreciate or understand who you really are now. Weekend the mood is in a bull run of renewal. Sunday 10/3 there will be a New Moon in Pisces and Mercury in Aries: on the one hand, there is a spiritual shift and on the other, new thoughts come in full of enthusiasm and adventure, in your mental metaverse, ready to discover new dimensions.