Monday in determination pump: you are more concrete and practical in assessing the feasibility of ideas that pass your brain. Mood bullish in the middle part: there is a desire to share, to be light-hearted, joking and having fun. Mars, Mercury, and Venus in Capricorn still enhance a certain need of yours to organize and take care of your projects, thoughts, and relationships while remaining attentive to details. In fact, you are already in the “hard-fork” phase of your roadmap, where you reflect on the balances around you to try to see if there is any updating to be done. The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Friday 2/2 gives you a lesson: “Happiness is not a place to arrive, but a home to return to.” Weekend in a bullish mood: want to feel like a market player, Ethereum-style with its EVM, essential for DeFi, NFT and more!