Weekly horoscope about Leo


Mood volatility early in the week: home&family matters take some priority.  Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, June 17/6, and in both the mental metaverse and relationships there is an urge to observe how they behave around you and mirror reflection on what you are conveying. A bit like a HODLer, you prefer to hold assets in your wallet and watch how the market moves. More in bullish mood in the middle part: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in your “preparation” roadmap stage. Time to close a cycle, set shorts and liquidate assets that have made their history, and make room to welcome new, more personal investments. Weekend with the mood in the pump: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, 22/6 highlights your personal well-being, just as you are in focus on how to get going again.