Weekly horoscope about Leo


The week starts off in a bullish mood: your mind is super problem-solving! But you’re already off to a pump-and-dump start: love and personal projects are experiencing a hard-fork split and you’re checking how to proceed with your roadmap. Luckily the new Sun in Taurus on Wednesday 20/4 opens your month dedicated to “exploration”, travel and mass adoption. You become more open-source to life and the new experiences, immersive or real, that you plan to experience soon. You might even choose to immerse yourself in the metaverse that is completely new to you: fashion, gaming, real estate… you’ll be spoilt for choice! Weekend in a bull run of happiness for the new dimensions you are discovering. Weekend in pump: the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on Saturday 23/4 inspires you to break free from your own limitations and plan a relaxing trip!