Weekly horoscope about Libra


In early week determination pump: you are much more realistic than usual. Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on Monday, June 17/6, and both in the mental metaverse and in relationships there is an urge to evaluate the seriousness of your thoughts and the people you associate with. It’s kind of like you no longer want to waste time with people who aren’t worth the joy of it, but only paranoia. More in bullish mood in the middle part: the Sun enters Cancer from Thursday 20/6 and ushers in your “ambitions” roadmap stage. You want to improve your status in life, and there’s a test of whether the structure you’ve built so far can support your dreams. Volatile mood weekend: the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, 22/6 brings out your deepest and most deeply rooted feelings, just when you want to emerge with new projects.