Weekly horoscope about Libra


The mood touches your ATH- All-Time High at the beginning of the week: there’s a wave of personal satisfaction that raises your self-esteem! You’re in a phase devoted to your “personal ambitions” and checking whether the structure you’ve created can hold up to the realization of your dreams. You are serious and committed to your goals. More in pump of organization in the middle part: in the mental metaverse you are trying to stay in your focus, and not get distracted by unnecessary FUD and FOMO. In relationships, you’re looking for commitment and seriousness about yourself, no longer wanting to waste time on people who don’t know what they want out of their lives. Mood in pump&dump weekend: the Last Quarter Moon in Aries on Friday, 6/28 asks you to reflect on your most important connections to understand what kind of balances have been created.