Weekly horoscope about Scorpio


The week starts in a bullish mood: you are more organized with your daily chores, ready to unearth new solutions to any problems, as long as you use logic. In a Pump&Dump mood in the middle part: your challenge now is to “bet” on your relationships, from business associate to partner, so that you are not the one making the usual choices. It’s tough for someone like you, but even in relationships, Venus is against you for a few months and puts you in “verify” on business relationships, and who knows that by changing strategy you’ll be able to find new balances. Weekend in a bullish mood: the New Moon in Gemini on Sunday, 18/6 speaks of inwardness, inviting you to feel deeply the shape-shifting, the transformation, that you have been called to do in some situations, and what you will do for the next ones as well.