Weekly horoscope about Taurus


Mood volatility early in the week: Valentine’s Day with Mercury in Aquarius on Monday 14/2 puts your thoughts in love with the work situation, and how to improve your living status! Not only that, the Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday 16/2 puts lightning on your efforts in trying to be the best version of you, perhaps not always recognised by close nodes. Don’t despair, it’s actually a great time in love and in your personal projects, all to be channeled in the direction you most desire without wasting energy. The entrance of the new Sun in Pisces on Friday 18/2 inaugurates your month dedicated to “progress” and supports you in looking towards your future, coming up with innovative ideas and wanting to decentralize with more original nodes! Weekend more bullish in mood: you feel well and maybe you organize some extra luxury outings with your partner!