Weekly horoscope about Taurus


To-the-moon mood at the beginning of the week: you are the star of this newly blossomed 2023! Already in the middle part you are more in pump of concreteness: you want to verify if your good resolutions are feasible and you evaluate how to start already to realize them! Venus enters Aquarius from Tuesday 3/1 and puts you in check in your work relationships: you need to understand who you can count on and who you can’t in order to improve your status in line with your expectations. In a bullish mood in the final part: the Full Moon in Cancer on Friday 6/1 puts your communication and the message behind it in lightning-mode as you are exploring your new horizons, who knows in some metaverse themed personal growth! Weekend with Volatile Sunday: family or a house move, could stress you out on the day dedicated to relaxation… keep calm, it’s all passing!