Start the week in bullish mood: you feel lighter, ready to face new challenges. The Sun enters Pisces from Monday 19/2 and inaugurates the stage of your hard-fork roadmap dedicated to “reflecting on your connections”. So, while in the area of relationships and personal initiatives you are experiencing moments of brainstorming, analysing details and finding solutions, what you need to do now for yourself is to ‘feel in balance and harmony with the rest’. In HODL observing the market in the central part: Mercury also enters Pisces on Friday 23/2 and waves of FUD and FOMO may arrive in your mental metaverse to confuse you and make you unsure of what decisions to make. Weekend mood to-the-moon: with the Full Moon in Virgo on Saturday 24/2 your desire to stand out and assert yourself goes into lightning, just when reflections on who and what surrounds you are at stake.