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Vodafone leaves Facebook’s Libra Association

According to Switzerland, the project is still far from being released

All there is to know about Libra

The entry ticket for hosting a network node costs 10 million dollars, a real entry barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises

Libra Association Council: the board has been elected

21 members have signed the association charter

The members of the Libra Association are now 20

There were 28 of them at the start, but eight have already withdrawn from the project. Nevertheless, the first operational meeting will be held today

Bertrand Perez: “Libra for immigrants”

Interviewed by ten European newspapers, the former director of the Payments Engineering section of PayPal answered some questions about the stablecoin created by Facebook

Particl, the decentralised marketplace promoted by Charlie Shrem

An e-commerce that allows anyone to sell and buy goods anonymously

Three members of Libra could leave the project

Some of the 28 founding companies of the Association behind the stablecoin would be considering withdrawing from the project

OpenBazaar: the mobile app is now available

The marketplace announced the news a few hours ago

Monex Group wants to join the Libra Association

The final decision will be taken after the summer

eToro: how to invest in the companies backing Libra

So far, the minimum investment is $2000

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