
compound - search results

Compound (COMP) arrives on Coinbase Pro

For the moment it is the only exchange to have listed the DeFi token

Compound overtakes Maker and becomes the leading token of DeFi

COMP debuted in first place in terms of market capitalization in the sector, with immediately very high trading volumes

Compound will distribute COMP tokens to all users

COMP will be used for the governance of the platform

Compound Governance is now active

Henceforth all changes to the protocol will be made by COMP token holders.

Compound, a token to revolutionize governance

An ERC20 with special features


Therefore, cTokens will be the representation of these assets and in general, users can borrow up to 50-75% of the value of their cTokens and keep the collateralized debt by adding or withdrawing funds. 

Compound was developed by Compound Labs Inc which operates the Ethereum address 0x8b8592e9570e96166336603a1b4bd1e8db20fa20 and allows adding resources and updating functions such as price feed oracle, interest rate models and protocol risk model. 

The company has promised that in the future, the admin account will be replaced with a DAO, governed by the community. The cToken smart contract is also publicly available on the Ethereum blockchain, and the currently available assets are BAT, DAI, REP (Augur), WETH (Wrapped Ether) and ZRX (0x).

Compound activates new cDAI

As of a few hours now, it is possible to use the stablecoin to earn interest

A brief guide to the Compound protocol

An insight into one of the most famous projects of decentralised finance

Don’t just HODL… Lend and earn with Compound and Eidoo!

Last month we integrated with Compound, giving you even more DeFi tools to play with -- without ever having to leave the safety and...

$DAI and COMPOUND now available in the Eidoo Wallet!

Here at Eidoo, we've been working to bring you the best possible DeFi experience, while still ensuring you have full control and access to...

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