
federal reserve - search results

Inflation at record levels. What will be the impact on the markets?

The markets seemed to have already priced in the increases, but the war has shattered the forecasts. High inflation and the effect on the markets The...

US ready for the digital dollar?

The United States is ready to test an electronic version of the dollar in order to be ready for a future launch

Italian bank “Banca d’Italia” blocks N26

The bank blocks new customers and crypto services from N26

How does blockchain technology affect the environment?

Bitcoin mining is meant to use a lot of energy

The US economy and Bitcoin prices

The recent worse-than-expected US economic data could put the brakes on the Fed's policy of rate hikes and thus encourage a rise for Bitcoin

United States and stablecoin regulation: will 2022 be the decisive year?

As the market of DeFi and related stablecoins continues its exponential growth, the US is looking at how to regulate them

Nasdaq performance during the pandemic

An increase never seen before, and achieved during the absolute most difficult period for the economy in decades 

Navajo seek redemption through Bitcoin mining

Very interesting what is happening in the southwest of the US

Fed, tapering begins: effects on Bitcoin

Yesterday's announcement was not followed by any movement out of the range of the past few days 

Referendum proposal in Switzerland to legalize Bitcoin

A Swiss non-profit organization has put forward a proposal for a referendum to include Bitcoin in the Federal Constitution

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