
chainalysis us - search results

300% increase in users using NFTs as Twitter profile picture, but they are still few

On the Hexagons Café platform, it is possible to check how many people have decided to display their Non-Fungible Token on the popular social media website

Chainalysis in Senate: record crypto payments for ransomware

$712 million paid out in 2021 alone, with an average payment of over $120,000

Chainalysis raises $170 million: it’s now worth $8.6 billion

The value of the company that helps law enforcement detect crypto thieves and scammers doubled in a year

Chainalysis, $162.7 billion in crypto earnings in 2021

Ethereum is the leading cryptocurrency

Chainalysis, $14 billion laundered in Bitcoin and other crypto

Chainalysis report on the criminal use of cryptocurrencies and the continued growth of the DeFi and NFT industry

Stopping crypto to get around Russia sanctions: Elizabeth Warren’s bill

The legislation also affects US exchanges and users

Do people in Russia use cryptocurrencies to circumvent sanctions?

Crypto adoption in the country is already very high

Russians move from the ruble to Bitcoin

As the Russian currency plummets in the financial markets and loses over 30%, an increasing number of Russian citizens are selling rubles to buy Bitcoin

Hack at IRA Financial Trust: $36 million in cryptocurrencies stolen

The funds were held on the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, which, however, denies having suffered an attack

Binance, $1 billion in Secure Asset Funds to protect users

The world's largest exchange had set up a fund in 2018 to protect its users from the growing number of frauds

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