The European summit on new technologies – including blockchain – took place yesterday with the participation of the MED7 countries, which are 7 countries in southern Europe: Italy, Spain, France, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal. The Made in Italy was one of the topics.
The event, which was held in Malta, was attended by the Undersecretary for Economic Development, Mirella Liuzzi. The event dealt with the development of new technologies such as the blockchain in the Mediterranean countries, which led to the signing of the Declaration on the Future and the Digital Ecosystem in Southern Europe, and a Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperation and sharing of best practices on technologies based on blockchain or, more generally, DLT.
These technologies, said Undersecretary Liuzzi, will be useful to promote and protect the various territories and products, especially in the field of fraud and counterfeiting.
“Blockchain and, more generally, technologies based on distributed ledgers – said Undersecretary Liuzzi – can be a driving force to promote the specificity of our territories and protect our products from fraud and counterfeiting. It is therefore crucial for the countries of southern Europe to understand, explore and address the issue of emerging technologies, to share experiences and implement initiatives to attract public and private investment in our region. Italy is a candidate country to be a leader in the adoption of these technologies and for this reason, we intend to organise the next MED7 Summit in Italy, in the city of Bari, in February next year”.
Liuzzi proposed that the next MED7 Summit be held in Italy, in the city of Bari, where the municipality has implemented the blockchain in some areas of public administration.
Undersecretary Liuzzi is very active in this respect: some time ago she was also able to obtain funds for the House of Emerging Technologies in Matera, which it is worth remembering, jointly with the city of Bari, are operational realities in the field of 5G, fundamental both for the operation and development of the blockchain and the IoT (Internet of Things).
Blockchain technology and the Made in Italy
As mentioned, one of the possible applications of the blockchain is to protect the Made in Italy. In March, IBM also launched a project for the protection of Italian products.
This pilot project will try to implement the blockchain to the tracking of the entire production and distribution chain, so as to safeguard the final consumer from fraud, counterfeiting or alteration of products, certifying the Made in Italy product in an unalterable way.