HomeBlockchainSoup goes on the blockchain in Puglia, Italy

Soup goes on the blockchain in Puglia, Italy

A company in Puglia, Italy has introduced a traceability blockchain solution for certain products. It is called Pralina, and their website describes the traceability project for soups thanks to a collaboration with the Foodchain platform, based on the Quadrans blockchain.  

The project is called “From the land to the table” and aims to trace the process from sowing to the consumption of the company’s products, including the supply of raw materials, production and sales. 

The company has signed a memorandum of understanding with some young farmers from Puglia from whom it acquires legumes and cereals used to produce the soups of the “Le Biodiverse” range, connecting the farmers and the processing company, with the aim of producing high-quality natural products, traced along the entire supply chain.  

This way, by using a smartphone to scan a special QrCode printed on the label of single-portion products, it will be possible to know where the raw materials were grown, who grew them, how the soup was prepared, with which ingredients/recipes, when it was labelled, packaged and shipped.

Moreover, also in Puglia, a few days ago the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, declared that blockchain represents an important opportunity for Italy with regard to the agri-food sector and that the government wants to test the potential of this technology to ensure the traceability of Made in Italy products. 

This vision is also shared by political parties that are not part of the country’s government. For example, the leader of the Lega in the Senate Agriculture Committee, Giorgio Maria Bergesio, announced that the committee is working on a bill, presented by the Lega itself, for the development of an IT platform based on blockchain for the traceability of agri-food products. 

The aim is to facilitate consumers’ access to information on the origin, composition and quality of products along the entire supply chain, and it will be a platform open to all aimed at protecting Italian agriculture and food products, in particular against counterfeiting and the so-called Italian Sounding. 


Marco Cavicchioli
Marco Cavicchioli
Born in 1975, Marco has been the first to talk about Bitcoin on YouTube in Italy. He founded ilBitcoin.news and the Facebook group" Bitcoin Italia (open and without scam) ".