Subme is a new crypto project that aims to revolutionize the world of subscriptions.
Subme allows consumers to create their own offers for different subscriptions.
The aim is to simplify everyday life with an all-in-one app that allows you to stop having to remember to buy the same consumer products every month, and to make appointments for recurring services.
In particular, it allows you to manage your Netflix, Spotify, Tidal, HBO GO, Microsoft Office 365 and Photoshop subscriptions with a single app, so you can avoid paying for services you don’t use and manage everything with one tool.
In addition, Subme also allows you to sign up for savings initiatives, such as pension funds, Bitcoin DCA, or other long-term investments. For example, you can also use the app to finance your holidays by sending money to your travel agency automatically every month. The same thing can also be done for charity, by choosing the entity to which to send periodic scheduled donations.
Subme can also be used as an investment tool, in particular to set up periodic purchases of cryptocurrencies with the Dollar Cost Averaging strategy. This is a very simple strategy but not easy to implement as it usually requires time and patience. With Subme you set up scheduled purchases every month or week, and the app will do them automatically.
For example, if you had invested $100 a month in bitcoin over the last 12 months ($1,200 in total), you would now own around 0.08 BTC, worth over $2,700 in total, giving you an annual return on your investment of over 150%.
On Monday, 28 June 2021, Subme’s deflationary token will start to be sold, thanks to which it will be possible to earn money by using part of the commissions on the subscriptions undertaken by users. In fact, every quarter 5% of Subme’s total revenue will be used to burn tokens in order to decrease the supply of tokens on the market, until 44% of all tokens are repurchased.
As the number of products, services and subscribers increases, the demand for the token will be even greater, without even taking into account the demand from investors and traders who want to speculate on the price.
The token is called Sub Cash, and is a BEP-20 token issued on Binance Smart Chain. It will soon be listed on PancakeSwap, and an ERC-20 bridge will also be created for the listing on Uniswap. In addition, in the future it will be possible to stake it in exchange for a high APY.