Monthly Archives: June, 2022

Samsung is now producing chips for crypto mining

The Korean company has already been investing in blockchain for some time. Now another step into the industry

Banks can have a maximum 1% of reserves in Bitcoin. The new proposal from Basel

Up to nearly $2 trillion in BTC may be in the hands of financial institutions

The Pentagon says blockchains are not decentralized

In particular, they discovered some risks related also to the Bitcoin protocol, although they did not quantify them

New proposal from EU for crypto money laundering

New provisions in Europe to combat money laundering in crypto

False information allegations for 3AC

The 3AC fund is about to be liquidated, and the avalanche of negative news doesn't end

Harmony Bridge loses $100 million following hacker attack

Bridges for cross-chain transfers are currently among the most vulnerable products in the ecosystem

Deutsche Bank: Bitcoin more similar to diamonds than gold

A report by two analysts claims that BTC is a much more similar asset to heavily traded ones such as diamonds

Bitcoin (19k), Ethereum (1k), Matic Price Analyses

The Fear and Greed Index is 11 Extreme Fear and is -2 from Wednesday’s reading of 13 Extreme Fear

Binance in partnership with Khaby Lame, the star of TikTok

The goal is to increase awareness and adoption of Web3

The price of gold rebounds after Wednesday’s decline

General macroeconomic condition affects the price of gold

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