HomeNFTPoseidon DAO announces the third artist in the Deploy Collection.

Poseidon DAO announces the third artist in the Deploy Collection.

Poseidon DAO, following the success of the works presented in the past few months in collaboration with Yu Cai ( sold out in 28 minutes) and Orkhan Isayev (sold out in less than a minute), has chosen, for the launch of the third issue of the Deploy collection to rely on the work of Laprisamata, an artist of high caliber.

Laprisamata for the third deployment of Poseidon DAO

Laprisamata, the nickname of artist Luis Toledo, has won several awards throughout his artistic and design career including the Wacom Award, the Pantone Award and the Behance National Design Awards. However, his art, easily defined as pop-surrealist, also undergoes Roman-Byzantine and Asian influences, with a particular focus on ancient mosaic techniques and Hindu temple ornamentation.

For the collaboration with Poseidon, the Spanish artist created the work Saint in the Blue Desert, which, as Poseidon itself well specified in its blog: 

“It belongs to the Rituals series which, together with the Sacred Animals and Titans series, is part of a long-term project, which includes the future realization of an exhibition, the construction of a Virtual Reality universe, and the production of graphic novels and animated shorts dedicated to the world of the Blue Man Desert. The work depicts the colossal portrait of one of the Titans, a face, at once hypnotic and hieratic, resembling arcane cartography, studded with spiritual symbols that, like dimensional portals, open wide on the vision of further worlds. Worlds that are metaphors for the human condition, haunted by time, ravaged by violence, a prisoner of the eternal struggle between life and death.”

It will be possible to mint the work next Monday, December 12, 2022 at 9 PM CET on the Manifold platform.

The minting price is 0.075 ETH per NFT and there are only 250 works available. 

Again, everyone who buys the work will get Poseidon DAO tokens in airdrop when it is released. 


