HomeCryptoCoinbase: il crypto-exchange reintroduce il trading di Ripple (XRP) anche su New...

Coinbase: il crypto-exchange reintroduce il trading di Ripple (XRP) anche su New York

Paul Grewal, responsabile legale di Coinbase, ha annunciato che anche per i clienti di New York è tornato ora disponibile il trading di Ripple (XRP) sul crypto-exchange. 

Coinbase: the crypto Ripple (XRP) is available for trading again in New York

Coinbase has reintroduced the trading of the crypto Ripple (XRP) also for its customers in New York. This was announced by Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer, Paul Grewal, with a tweet:

The trading of XRP on @coinbase is available again in New York. We have listened to you and worked closely with the State. And now it can be said that we are operational again.

Grewal emphasized the collaborative effort with the State to succeed in the endeavor of bringing XRP back among its crypto offerings, even for New York. 

E dunque, da ora, i residenti potranno tornare a effettuare trading e/o conservare XRP sulla piattaforma web di Coinbase e su tutte le applicazioni mobili iOS e Android. 

Coinbase: Ripple (XRP) returns to the crypto-exchange after 3 and a half years

It was January 2021 when Coinbase had officially removed Ripple (XRP) from its crypto-exchange, exactly 3 and a half years ago. 

The reason was the endless cause “SEC vs. Ripple” which saw the regulatory body accuse the crypto company of offering unregistered security. 

Ecco perché Coinbase e altri crypto-exchange come OKCoin, Crypto.com e OSL avevano cominciato il delisting di  XRP dalle loro piattaforme. 

This is why Coinbase and other crypto-exchanges like OKCoin, Crypto.com, and OSL had started the delisting of  XRP from their platforms. 

Such operations had led the market cap of what has been for a long time the third crypto in the ranking to collapse. And indeed, in the following months, XRP saw its market cap drop from 70 billion dollars to 29 billion dollars. 

Despite this decision, Coinbase has always sided in support of the crypto colleague and against the Securities and Exchange Commission of the USA, also filing a motion to support Ripple, which was also accepted by the judge. 

Only in February 2023, the community started to make itself heard by asking Coinbase to relist XRP, especially after the SEC had officially ruled that sales on the secondary market are not equivalent to securities. 

Eppure, la causa Ripple vs. SEC ha avuto fine nel luglio 2023, con la vittoria parziale della società crypto e la sentenza ufficiale che XRP non è una security. 

The price of XRP

The news of Coinbase resuming the listing of XRP in New York, did not register significant price movements for XRP, at least in the last 24 hours. And indeed, at the time of writing, XRP is worth $0.52 just like yesterday. 

Eppure, dando uno sguardo ai volumi di scambi di XRP nelle ultime 24 ore, pare ci sia stato un aumento del 106%. 

In any case, the current seventh crypto in the ranking still holds today a total market cap that is close to 29 billion dollars. 

Stefania Stimolo
Stefania Stimolo
Graduated in Marketing and Communication, Stefania is an explorer of innovative opportunities. She started out as a Sales Assistant for e-commerce, and in 2016 she began to develop a passion for the digital world, initially in the Network Marketing sector, where she discovered and became passionate about the ideals behind Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, which lead her to work as a copywriter and translator for ICO projects and blogs, and organize introductory courses.

