
51% attack - search results

Bitcoin SV targeted by a 51% attack

A deep reorg of the chain was carried out yesterday, but now the problem seems to have receded

Verge suffered a 51% attack

This has now been resolved, but the risk of further attacks of this type remains

Cardano helps Ethereum Classic against 51% attacks

A new client developed with the help of the IOHK Foundation

Third 51% attack against Ethereum Classic

This month hasn't been too good for the fork of the ETH blockchain

Bitcoin Gold: the longest 51% attack in history

The crypto is losing over $0.30 and is trading at $9.71, located at position 56 of CoinMarketCap

51% attack resistance: explanation of existing solutions

The attitude towards cryptocurrencies is still ambiguous nowadays, but blockchain is considered to be one of the most breakthrough IT discoveries of the last decade

Anomalies on DigiByte, a 51% attack in progress?

Two addresses would hold 40% of the network power

DeFi: a 51% attack against PegNet

A group of criminals carried out a 51% attack and succeeded in doing so, at least in part, as reported on Twitter

Litecoin: $700 million for a 51% attack

Are the blockchains that use Proof of Work safe?

What is a 51% attack and how it affects the hashrate of a blockchain?

The attacking party takes control of the network, with devastating consequences

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