Weekly horoscope about Aquarius


Pump of practicality at the beginning of the week: you are more concrete and rational than usual, evaluating the feasibility or otherwise of certain situations, who knows in view of the Christmas holidays as well. On a personal project level, then, you are still supported in projecting your ideas into your future, becoming more innovative. In a bullish mood in the middle part: desire to execute trading interesting, creative ideas that make you more open-minded. Nice challenge, since at the relationship level, you are a bit in verify on who can really support you in realizing your ambitions. Mood volatility in the final part: the new Sun in Capricorn from Friday 22/12 inaugurates your roadmap stage of “preparation” and there is to go further, transcend, close one cycle to open a new one. On Christmas Eve Sunday you will live it in total satisfaction, who knows receiving appreciation from those you do not expect.