The week begins in a bullish mood: Jupiter returns to Aries from Tuesday 20/12 and so all the various reflections on your personal growth of the last period now find space to be realized. Oh yes, because support is right on your expansion and that of your personal projects: luck could color your roadmap! The change of the Sun into Capricorn from Wednesday 21/12 inaugurates your month dedicated to your “life status” and how to improve it. And so you go totally in verify-mode trying to give a solid structure to this ambition of yours, whether it’s your personality, your forma mentis, but also with relationships. Not only that, with the New Moon in Capricorn on Friday 23/12 there is a need for silence to listen to the answers coming from within you, again on the subject of ambition. Christmas Sunday in a bull run mood: a look at the future makes you more inspired!