Weekly horoscope about Aries


The week begins in a bullish mood: wanting to get out, meet and tell. Who knows you need a confrontation, in this visionary period of yours, and probably some news is about to knock on your door, but there is a wait before you metabolize it. More volatile mood in the middle part: actually, while you give birth to new ideas, your communication remains a bit blocked by FUD and FOMO still coming back to visit you, and you might want to listen more to who you’re facing, as opposed to talking! In relationships you are in the HODLer mood, and that is if you meet new people, stay more on your own, and if you need to see someone, call friends the ones you can really count on. Weekend in mood bullishness: with the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday 5/1 goes the courage to believe in yourself, your potential, and what you want to accomplish soon!