Weekly horoscope about Capricorn


Start of the week in a bullish mood: Mercury enters Taurus from Monday 3/4 and gives you courage and passion in your thoughts, coming out of previous FUD and FOMO. More mood volatility in the middle part: the Full Moon in Libra on Thursday 6/4 puts your work and ambitions in lightning, at this time tied to home&family matters. Who knows a way to cheer you up since, at least in your career, everything depends on your strength and determination. Something that, however, is not happening in the nest sphere that is giving you challenges to deal with. In relationships, you zero-fee express everything you have inside, not only through words, but in all the ways you are able to show your feelings. Weekend in a bullish mood: celebrate an Easter that tastes like “the future” by sharing innovative and original topics with friends and family