Weekly horoscope about Gemini


New Year 2024 with mood volatility, seeking a sense of belonging: original mood to start the year…especially now that you are proceeding to renew your roadmap. Who knows Mercury returning direct from Tuesday 2/1 will put thoughts back into motion, however, creating a metaverse full of FUD and FOMO.. There’s a bit of mental confusion, a bit too many pros and cons that you’re evaluating, risking getting a bit lost in the answers you don’t have at the moment. More bullish mood in the middle part: in the relational sphere you are a bit in a split, reflecting even too much on others’ reactions to your spoken phrases or actions…breathe a bit. Mars enters Capricorn Thursday 4/1 and pumps your resourcefulness by asking you to reshape your new ventures or whatever is about to begin now. Weekend with the mood in a bull run of relaxation!