Weekly horoscope about Leo


Volatile mood at the beginning of the week: impatience and haste sometimes stresses you out more than it should! Luckily, you are already more bullish in the middle part even if Venus enters Aquarius from Tuesday 3/1 and puts your relationships in “hard-fork” (or break): there comes a time to reflect on all the pros and cons and the nuances that each person conveys to you, who knows how to understand how you can better face your fears or to understand who to bet on for your future. HODLing and observing the market in the final part: the Full Moon in Cancer on Friday 6/1 puts into lightning-mode the latest events perhaps experienced during the holidays to understand which contribute to your personal well-being and which do not. Weekend with Sunday to-the-moon: you will probably find the courage to choose yourself once again, expressing your self-love as never before!