Weekly horoscope about Leo


To-the-moon mood at the start of the week: your mental/physical well-being has hit your ATH – All Time High (or all-time high!). Mentally you’re also in reflection about how to reorganize all your chores, or ideas, kind of like you’re brainstorming even if in a passive way. In the middle part you are in a concrete pump: you evaluate the feasibility of some solutions that have enlightened you recently. Not only that, Mars in Gemini returns direct from Thursday 12/1 and enriches you with new inspiration to move forward with your new ventures. In relationships, you experience what could be described as a ‘stop & go’, a sort of inner rift that prompts you to re-evaluate your co-workers, partners and whoever! Weekend with the mood on a bull run: the last quarter Moon in Libra closes the cycle dedicated to your “self-love” by putting the hype the message behind it!