Weekly horoscope about Leo


Mood bullish at the beginning of the week: you finally feel lighter and more inspired! Who knows you are bringing new air to this hard-fork period, where your personality, or identity, is like in need of a total makeover and instead of experiencing it as an inner rift, you are beginning to see new ideas on the horizon. HODLing and observing the market in the middle part: mentally you are taking care of yourself and analyzing how people react to your thoughts addressed to your mental and physical well-being first. In relationships, then, you are proceeding with your renewal, perhaps even making some transgressions, as long as it serves to bring you out again from any relationships that have not benefited you instead. Weekend with to-the-moon mood: with the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday 5/1 your “personal affirmation” goes into lighting and you decide how you will proceed with your renewed roadmap!