Weekly horoscope about Libra


Start the week in a bullish mood: wanting to organize chores so you can then enjoy your free time, also looking forward to the Christmas holidays. Who knows with Mercury Retrograde though, some inconvenience may come up, mostly technological, in fact try to be attentive to everything! Mood pump&dump in the middle part: who knows some melancholy takes over…. Actually, in relationships, you’re just a little more “pretentious” than usual, and you’re itching to touch on feelings, friendship, love, etc. Not only that, there is good support that makes your personal projects more open-source than others. More in a bull run mood in the final part: the new Sun in Capricorn from Friday, 12/22 inaugurates your roadmap stage dedicated to home&family issues to be addressed.. You’ll experience Christmas Eve Sunday as an adventure-filled metaverse!