Weekly horoscope about Pisces


The week starts off in bullish mood: self-love accompanies you and you organize your daily chores. Mentally, you’re reflecting on your future, your friendships and why not, the desire to progress in some way with others. In the middle part, you’re in a mood pump&dump: who knows, some suspicion about your partner or some close friend may cause you to question their behavior towards you. Not only that, Mars in Gemini returns direct from Thursday 12/1 and activates your big business energy based on “home&family” situations, who knows you might want to buy a house or decide to put a new family project in the pipeline. In general, you are more observant in relationships, and you isolate yourself to be more with yourself! Weekend in bullish mood: the last quarter Moon in Libra closes the cycle dedicated to innovation and progress by hyping your personal transformation.