Weekly horoscope about Sagittarius


Mood pump start of the week: you’ve survived the holiday season, and now you can finally launch into the next holiday, tailor-made for you! In the middle part, you’re more of an organization HODLer! However, on Wednesday, 29/12, Jupiter in Pisces puts you in a “verify” situation about your “sense of ownership” in your personal projects. Until May 2022, you should go deep on this issue to reveal your truth. On New Year’s Eve 2022, the mood rises to the moon: you are an ATH All-Time High of charisma, optimism, and enthusiasm that infects everyone around you. On Sunday, the New Moon in Capricorn and Mercury in Aquarius keep you bullish: on the one hand, you feel with all your might the results you want to achieve in your most evolved version, while on the other, your thoughts and words fly free! Happy 2022!