Weekly horoscope about Sagittarius


Start the week in a bullish mood: enthusiasm galore, choose well which immersive experience you want to use it in! Mentally, you’re in reflection about your goals and the practical feasibility of achieving them. In the middle, your mood is more volatile: you’re probably feeling dissatisfied with what you’re doing at work, perhaps due to the monotony that extinguishes your ambitions. Not only that, Mars in Gemini returns direct from Thursday 12/1 and activates you to fully evaluate where you exploit your energies of resourcefulness, determination and how much you would like to make a “stop & go” to realize enterprises more in line with your talent. In relationships, luck you are well supported to have great dialogues with your loved ones and more creative people! Weekend with the mood on a bull run: the last quarter of the Moon in Libra closes the cycle dedicated to capital gains by hyping your projection of your future.