
Credits - search results

Bitfinex delists numerous trading pairs

Different "pairs" related to Ethereum, Bitcoin, DAI and Japanese Yen are being removed

Fortress Group: Mt. Gox’s offer has been increased

This is certainly due to the fact that bitcoin is recording new period records, since in the last 90 days the crypto has been scoring almost +30%

Bakkt, the digital assets wallet is coming soon

This will be a wallet that integrates fiat, cryptocurrencies, prizes and game points

REBO: no more plastic and the bottles go on the blockchain

The company was incubated by the Swiss financial company Swiss Crypto Advisors

Mt. Gox: Fortress makes a new offer to the creditors

The investment group ready to offer nearly $800 for every bitcoin lost

A capital increase accepting cryptocurrencies as collateral

In Italy, it has been made possible to use them thanks to a collaboration with a crypto platform

Spain: Correos postal service will use the blockchain

In particular, the company will use a platform for the exchange of carbon credit in a disintermediated manner

Renewable energy and blockchain

Transactions could become peer-to-peer, encouraging decentralisation of the system

EOS VC: major investments in the world of gaming has decided to focus on the EOS Knights game

Red Cross launches blockchain payment system in Africa

The aim is to stimulate the poorest local economies

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