
privacy - search results

BitMEX: new Proof-of-Liability privacy scheme

The crypto-exchange innovates the protocol that solves users' privacy problems

Bison Trails: more privacy with ZKValidator

The project aims to provide greater confidentiality in transactions

Lumi: privacy of financial data under attack

Recent episodes related to the Twitter scam, but especially to the privacy violation of TikTok, cast many shadows on the security of users' financial data.

Privacy meter for Bitcoin transactions

A specific feature has been added in the block explorer Blockchair that allows users to verify the privacy level of a transaction

Italian Consob: Paolo Savona against privacy cryptocurrencies

The Chairman of the Italian Consob has covertly requested that decentralized cryptocurrencies be outlawed

Zcash and Dash at risk for privacy?

After the launch of Codefi today, the community went wild and realized that maybe this tool will allow tracking even the most secure cryptocurrencies

TRON announces the launch of Tronz for more privacy

This is a protocol that is represented by a smart contract and is called the "Smart Contract Privacy Protocol".

The privacy issues of the Italian Immuni app

Now that the app has been released, it has been possible to examine its code to understand in detail how it works

Coronavirus: a data tracking app. What about privacy?

In Italy, such a project aims to reach at least 60% of the population, but it seems that the rest of the world is also studying similar solutions

Fighting Covid-19 and protecting privacy: can they coexist with the blockchain?

Some projects (MIT's Safepath or Mipasa, which includes IBM and Microsoft among its sponsors) focus their efforts on the tracking of people

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