
paolo ardoino - search results

Trading: good start for Tether Gold

High volumes for the first few days of trading, with the price slightly exceeding the price of the gold ounce

Tether Gold: news about the asset anchored to gold

A new stablecoin based on the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain and the TRC20 on the TRON blockchain.

Bitcoin: a billion dollar transaction with a $0.49 fee

Bitfinex CTO on Twitter: "We have proof that it doesn't cost much"

Tether on Liquid for improved privacy compared to Ethereum

On January 7th there was a cross-chain swap of 15 million USDT

Santiment: new service for Bitfinex

The exchange has entered into a partnership with the Swiss company

Bitfinex enables crypto payments with credit and debit cards

The crypto exchange collaborates with Mercuryo to offer the new service to its users

Bitfinex removes fees on small deposits

It was activated in December 2017, in the midst of the speculative bubble, and served to protect the exchange from spam aimed at slowing down its service

Tether sponsors Omni Core 0.7.0

The Bitfinex's stablecoin helped the layer to develop a new release of the protocol

Bitfinex: a partnership with Bitrefill for Lightning Network payments

The entire range of gift cards and refills will be available on the website of the exchange, payable instantly in BTC

Bitfinex launches its own Lightning Network node

The users of the exchange will be able to open their LN channel for fast, secure and cheap transactions

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